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It may be hard to believe, but until less than 240 years ago, ships had paddle propulsion. This way of propelling the machine was not very practical, and over the following years it was upgraded.

Our drivers

Holiday Boat – propulsion systems

Today electric, hybrid and renewable-based propulsion systems are leading the way, generating great power and being environmentally friendly. So it’s no surprise that Holiday Boat Group is successfully implementing the latest propulsion systems.

When building our catamarans, we currently use four solutions:

● hydrogen propulsion,

● electric propulsion,

● hybrid propulsion,

● quatroo energy propulsion.

At the same time, a very important issue for us, in addition to propulsion efficiency, is low emissions and reduced operating costs. Our drives meet all standards (including the stringent Stage V emissions standard).

We undertake to install our drives on other units that our customers have. In this way we are able to upgrade any catamaran. The use of innovative technologies also allows us to thoroughly rebuild the vessel using high-quality materials, which not only improves the aesthetics, but most importantly, safety during the voyage.

In addition to the installation of the latest quartoo energy propulsion system, we also rely on traditional solutions, as everything depends on the model of the ship we are dealing with.

Sometimes all we need is a generator and other times additional charging in the form of, for example, solar batteries.

We create catamarans from passenger ones to apartments and houses on the water. The more powerful the units, the higher the expectations from the engine, which can have two or even four drives.

Propulsion technologies for catamarans fully based on renewable energy are no longer just a song of the future, but an increasingly viable solution.

At Holiday Group Boat, we are bringing innovation to life. Our research unit is working on developing our own low-temperature hydrogen cell. And we have already implemented a proprietary propulsion system based on four independent energy sources – QUATROO ENERGY.